Franz Pillinger » Performance » Fantastisches Musiktheater

Fantastisches Musiktheater

The meaning of composition does not relate to music only but also to all other medias in this kind of works for stage. According to that lighting, movement, dance, video, film, scene, texts have the same importance in the process of composing.

„Non-musical“ structures often are the basement for music. The other way round typical musical forms or structures give the ideas for the non-music parts of such a „composition“.

Typical medias and special kinds of art concerning different eras and cultures are used, combined or set against each other.

Jazzensemble, Obertongesang, Masuken, Metalle, Feuer;Wasser, Licht-, Raum- und Körperausstattung. 4 Musiker;Ton- u. Lichttechnik. UA 1988 Künstlerhaus, Salzburg. 60 min.

Gala de dos
Baßgeige-Solo, Darstellerin, Video. UA 1989 Toi Haus, Salzburg. WDR Kompositionspreis 1989. 50 min.

Blaue Musik Rot
Kleines Orchester, Kinderchor, Butho-Tanz, Licht- u. Tontechnik. Thema: Georg Trakl. UA 1994 Universität Salzburg, Toskanahof. 60 min.

Baßgeige-Solo, Video, Spiegel, Licht. UA Festival of Musical Action, Vilnius 1996.

Baßgeige-Solo, 2 Tänzer, Choreografie. Pilottanzt. UA Wien , dieTheater 1993. 50 min.

Winterreise/Yigoku Hen
Baßgeige – Solo , Butho Tanz. UA Houston Wortham Theatre. 70 min.

I am because you are
Baßgeige – Solo, Fotos. UA 1998 SEAD Salzburg.

Music is the game of time (parts I-III)
Baßgeige – Solo, Orchester, Band, Licht. UA Stadtkino Salzburg 2000. 25 min.

Ins Licht gestorben
Großes Orchester, Chor, 4 Solisten, 5 ethnic extra players, Butohtänzer, Licht.
Das Mozart-Requiem im crossover unserer Zeit.
UA Großes Festspielhaus Salzburg 1991. 80 min.

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